Imagine by John Lennon ~ Imagine God's Earth with No Religion...

2 years ago

One of John Lennon's simplest, but best songs that he ever is direct, open and honest...and if you are OFFENDED by the aggressive language in this song, then you are BLIND to the AGGRESSIVE SICKNESS of this World that we have been Brainwashed to Live within...I would be OFFENDED by your Offendedness, to the ROOT problem that warranted this song being written...WAKE THE FUCK UP to the LIE that you have been forced to Live within...

And how many others in the History of ANY genre of Music ever wrote a song as Open and Honest as this one??? Now, ask yourselves the question, WHY??? And then the Lights will start to come on inside of you...this Pathetic, Evil, Diseased, Upside Down world that we live within is a RIGGED GAME, a Distraction designed to take you away from the ONE THING that God placed you here to go on the Journey of a Lifetime, to KNOW THYSELF, and to thus, come to know Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, and God Almighty, by becoming SOVEREIGN (S - OVER - REIGN)...there is NO other reason for you to be here and now...and when you walk this road, which just happens to be Straight and Narrow, then you Automatically become what you were designed to be, which is Kind Man, Caring and Compassion, and Brave in the Face of INJUSTICE...when do NOT turn a blind eye to any act of Evil, rather, we stamp Evil out as the Brush Fire that it is, because if we leave these Acts of Evil alone, then they will spread...

We Walk this Road of Righteousness, wearing the Armor of God, to do just this...stamp out Evil and to spread Goodness, which is Truth...which is Jesus Christ, which is the WAY, which is Straight and Narrow...whether you want to admit to it or not, doesn't change the fact that we are ALL Disciples of Jesus Christ, part of the Eternal Twelve, Doing His Sacred Work, and spreading His Way Far and WIDE...and in doing so, we Create Acts of Random Kindness, everywhere we go (ARKs), saving Souls from the clutches of Satan...and there is no more important work that we are ABEL to accomplish in our Lifetimes...

"Whether you turn to the Right or the Left, your ears shall hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the Way, Walk in it'..."

Isaiah 30:21

In every moment, without ever relenting, their is a CHOICE to make between God thru Jesus Christ, or to the Devil thru Satan...

Choose, but Choose WISELY...

Gracias al mi hermano, Santiago Eber, para ayudar con el video...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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