22.03.2022 (1025 to 1200) - NEUK - Darlington's Meshy Chemical Morning

2 years ago


1) United States Air Force (USAF) ... 65-3542 / ICAO AE0486 ... a Boeing KC-135R flying at around 33,000 ft and using Callsign "RCH656" @ around 1115.
2) Lufthansa (DLH) ... D-ABYS / ICAO 3C4B33 ... a Boeing 747-830 flying at around 35,000 ft and using Callsign "DLH430" @ around 1115.

3) Etihad Airways (ETD) ... A6-BLY / ICAO 896536 ... a Boeing 787/9 flying at around 36,000 ft and using Callsign "ETD93C" @ around 1123.
4) Aerologic (DHL) ... D-AALS / ICAO 3C4593 ... a Boeing 777-F flying at around 32,000 ft and using Callsign "BOX498" @ around 1123.
5) United Airlines (UAL) ... N12010 / ICAO A05646 ... a Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner flying at around 35,000 ft and using Callsign "UAL961" @ around 1123.

6) Delta Air Lines (DAL) ... N1602 / ICAO A0F44C ... a Boeing 767-332ER/W flying at around 35,000 ft and using Callsign "DAL131" @ around 1143.

More Info on the Subject/s covered:-
UK Sky Watch, at " http://patchworkpencil.co.uk/uk-skywatch.co.uk/ ".
And, many others :)


Special thanks also, to:
1) "Dr Vernon Coleman" at " www.vernoncoleman.org " and "www.vernoncoleman.com" and on Brand New Tube " https://brandnewtube.com/@DrVernonColeman ".
2) "UK Column" at " https://www.ukcolumn.org/ " and on BitChute as "UK Column News". "SAFE OPTION FOR WHISTLEBLOWERS".

"Wonderful People". Thank you, all.

On Facebook? Please join our Public Group "Worldwide Awakening", or at least Share material you see on there? It's being "RESTRICTED". It's there Purely, to get the Truth out there asap, while they allow the group to exist, and please see my previous "Roo63" uploads?

My links:
1) "Roo63" on BitChute ... " https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Roo63 " .
2) "Andrew Pilkington ("Roo63")" on Brand New Tube ... " https://brandnewtube.com/@Roo63 ".
3) "Worldwide Awakening ("Roo63")" on Odysee ... " https://odysee.com/@Roo63:d " .
4) "Worldwide Awakening" on Facebook ("Public" Group) ... " https://www.facebook.com/groups/629528840562364/ " . ACCOUNT AND GROUP PAGE "RESTRICTED" BY FACEBOOK ("90-DAY") - Feb. 2022.
5) "Andy_Roo63" on Telegram ... " https://t.me/Andy_Roo63 ".
6) "Roo63" on YouTube ... " https://www.youtube.com/c/Roo63/videos ". LITTLE USED FOLLOWING ACCOUNT TERMINATION AND NEW STRIKES ON OLD MATERIAL.
7) "Andiroo63" on Twitter ... " ACCOUNT LOCKED BY TWITTER.
8) "AndiRoo63" on Rumble ... " https://rumble.com/c/c-1400532 ". NEW.

Videos are Free to Share / Mirror etc., if you wish, providing there's no malice.
All the best and thanks for viewing :D

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