Teacher under investigation for speaking out against CRT in schools

2 years ago

â–ºhttp://www.StopCRT.ca | Sign the petition
â–ºFULL REPORT: https://rebelne.ws/3DtMJIm
More and more, we hear about these fringe ideologies making their way into our publicly-funded institutions and taking reign because anyone who dares question or speak out against them is guilted into submission by way of smearing, ad hominem attacks, or is censored and punished. All of the above happened to Chanel Pfahl, a 29-year-old high school teacher who is under investigation for very mundane comments she made about critical race theory on a private teacher Facebook group back in February 2021.
FULL REPORT from Tamara Ugolini: https://rebelne.ws/3DtMJIm

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