He Knows

2 years ago

There is nothing more pure, authentic, enduring than the love of God for us. God With us, His Presence all around us, His Advocacy for us. How beautiful it is to watch the tides come in and out on the beach knowing that this is our God, He does this. He is a good Father, our God. He knows everything about us, every hair on our head. He knows everything. God knows. God has never been stingy with His love, wisdom, discernment or caring. Do you need wisdom today? Where does that wisdom seeking start? Does it start with us? No. We are not a good source of wisdom. In our human condition, our hearts are easily deceived and there is not much clarity in times such as these. So, we look up, to the God of all knowledge. If we need wisdom, He is the best source of wisdom and His knowledge of the all of our everything is the best source of knowing we could ever want. So, today, if we need wisdom, the best ONE to ask is God. Ask God. He is a good Father and will not withhold anything good from us. He loves us more than we could begin to hope for or imagine. He is on our side. He is for us. When we need wisdom, we need to seek God’s heart first. Everyday God is working for our good, loving us, exhorting us, discipling us when we need it and directing our steps with His wisdom. Ask God First. God knows us best and loves us most. God’s motives for us are pure, untainted by the human condition and motivated by His great, great love for us. God knows. Ask Him. He will give us the wisdom we need, light our way in the dark, one step at a time. Let go of every preconceived idea, every presumption, emptying your mind of all opinions, assumptions and rationalizations and listen up to God and He will bring forth His newness, His fresh revelation into our life in that way only He can. Every day is new when it comes to God’s wisdom, just like the tides that come in and go out, leaving the beach changed, different, and new. God loves us enough to navigate us into the newness of His wisdom, revealing His truth to us, changing things up in us. Sometimes He speaks things that are so fresh that it leaves us in AWE of Who He is, as our hearts bow in reverence. Sometimes God speaks things that are hard to hear, but as we embrace them, we are purified and changed in the sweetest of ways. Knowing we are holy-holy-His. Sometimes Jesus by His specific discernment leads us to places we think we don’t have the courage or strength to go, yet His Presence is in the navigational wisdom and we know we are not alone, we know He has charted our pathway. Sometimes The Father God’s wisdom is so joyful, we can’t contain it and it bubbles out with light into the darkness of our world, changing everything up. Sometimes The Holy Spirit charts our course and the ride is uncomfortable, not a way we would choose to go, yet the driver in the seat occupied by Jesus, and we know the destination will be worth the uncomfortableness of the travel. The point is that no matter what we think we need to know, we will know purposefully, and timely what God already knows as He plays out His Kingdom purposes and precepts in our lives. We don’t need to know everything; we just need to know Jesus, and make it personal with Him, this is the best wisdom of all, life with God is personal. This is wisdom. God knows and sometimes we don’t know and He is always our enough. So, once again, I ask, do you need wisdom? Ask God! Listen Up And Watch-Wait-See. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/godly-wisdom/

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