Man under Arrest

3 years ago

Sneaking past Police to infiltrate a Church Opened Under Lockdown - Arrested Pastor Paul Furlong #paulfurlong #CMFEU #UNIONS #melbourne #victoria #protest #freedom #covid #melbournelockdown #9news #7news #ABCAustralia #RebelNews #SkyNewsAustralia #RTnews #Globaltimes #新华社 #RussianEmbassyUK #RTNews #FoxNews #CNN #中国人民解放军 #中国人民解放军陆军 #protest #blacklivesmatter #blm #georgefloyd #justice #nojusticenopeace #covid #love #policebrutality #justiceforgeorgefloyd #trump #racism #equality #peace #art #icantbreathe #humanrights #freedom #police #streetphotography #photography #repost #politics #riot #protests #vote #revolution #resist #activism #bhfyp #melbournedetective #СВРРФ המוסד מודיעיןולתפקידיםמיוחדים# #facebook #instagram #youtube #twitter #love #tiktok #follow #instagood #like #music #socialmedia #whatsapp #google #photography #memes #a #followforfollowback #likeforlikes #india #k #marketing #covid #fashion #followers #insta #snapchat #trending #o #m #bhfyp

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