US Business Culture: Job Titles are a Big Deal

2 years ago

Danes rarely use their job titles. It seems rather pompous to them.

But Americans love their titles. So do their mothers, who like to say, “My daughter is a vice president.”

Well, half the firm’s employees may be vice presidents. It’s common to give someone a better title instead of a raise.

When you’re doing business in the US, do pretend to care about someone’s title – it probably means a lot to them.

But it might not always really indicate their place in the hierarchy, or their ability to sign off on a business deal.

Kay Xander Mellish is the author of "Working with Americans: Tips for Danes" and "Working with Danes: Tips for Americans," available on or on Amazon, Google Books, Apple Books, Saxo Books, and Barnes and Noble Nook.

You can also check out the audiobooks on Amazon Audible, Mofibo/Storytell, Nextory and BookBeat.

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