Tucker Carlson Tonight 31 Mar 2022

2 years ago

The the far-left woke leftist agenda is in a meltdown and a great reset is coming. Just not the one they keep talking about. Tucker makes the case, then VDH comes on with some rare (for him) optimism about the electoral shellacking they are in for in the midterms. I sure hope he is right. Anything other than a historic defeat will not send the "right" message.
Kash Patel joins Tucker to discuss the Laptop from Hell and the 50 Intel liars that said it was Russian disinformation.
Chadwick Moore joins Tucker with an update on the Race Lady's hacked Blog. When is she going to be arrested for the fake hate crime? Lying to the FBI (as we all know) is a felony. Seems she committed one.
Bill Melugin predicts a 3x increase in illegal alien crossings when Title 42 is abolished. Unbelievable. IMPEACHMENT.
Adam Corolla joins Tucker to discuss the new woke diversity quotas. He gave an excellent analogy. When Jaws came out, no one wanted to go in the ocean because...sharks, even though the statistical chance of shark attack is virtually zero. Just like hate crimes and discrimination in the USA. The wokesters are a solution in search of a problem.
Jose Castillo running for Congress in FL and an active Disney employee joins Tucker to talk about the silent majority at Disney that support family values. Here's the problem, they cannot be silent. Not anymore.
Shannon Bream book interview.

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