The Saturn Moon Matrix: Moon Worship and the Wiccan Dark Goddess Deception

2 years ago

Sources: "G.I. Gurdjieff - Food for the Moon (Askokin)"
"David Icke - Moon Control"

It is THE biggest deception within the New Age movement and that is of the moon. For centuries we have taken part in moon rituals and moon worship, but where has it got us as a species? Throughout years of learning about the matrix and how negative entities work it has become apparent to me that the moon is a HUGE part of the deception!

"The Esoteric Significance of our Moon and the Matrix Control System" By Bernhard Guenther
This is an article on the esoteric significance of our moon and how lunar phases correlate with hyperdimensional attack and the matrix control system. Much of this knowledge has been suppressed or corrupted/distorted. The moon has a tremendous influence on humanity in ways the vast majority has no awareness of. During any new/full moon (and in particular at eclipses), portals and dimensions open up, making it easier for hyper/inter-dimensional beings to cross realm boundaries. This ties into what Gurdjieff meant by stating that humanity is “food for the moon”. I caution to engage in any form of moon rituals in light of the “topic of all topics” , i.e. the hyperdimensional control of humanity and how the moon relates to it. My own observations, experiences, and research into the occult significance of the moon has been confirmed by a shamanic/psychic healer woman I’ve been working with over the past few years and learned a lot from. One of the very interesting things she said is that many people engage in “Black Magic” involuntarily when participating in Full Moon/New Moon rituals, despite their well-meaning intentions, creating “traps of agreement” and openings/portals for negative entities to come through (posing as “positive” ones), especially when worshiping the moon (given away their power), or attempting to “channel” or connecting to/calling in anything (entities, deities, angles, guides) outside themselves. Another shaman I had worked with cautioned to do any “medicine” ceremonies during a full moon. It ties into the neo-Wicca/pagan practices and distortion of these rituals and teachings as well. Lack of awareness of the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System when practicing occult/pagan rituals is just asking for trouble, kinda like playing hyperdimensional Russian roulette. In ancient times the Moon has caused indigenous cultures around the world to create special ceremonies for its presence – not to celebrate it, but to protect themselves from its dark influence. Most of these practices and this knowledge have been suppressed and corrupted – even turned into its opposite as mentioned above. In far ancient times (nothing to do with the lies of official history we’ve been programmed with), we didn’t’ have our present moon but it “arrived” later as part of the lock-down of the Matrix Control System by alien occult hostile forces as a transmitting loosh-generating/feeding control device. Having said that, the moon also plays a “teaching function” from an esoteric perspective (just as the occult forces do) in the bigger picture of soul evolution and the process of awakening. So it’s important that we don’t demonize the moon or project any fear. As always: Knowledge protects. Ignorance endangers.

"Spiritual Effects of the Moon on Man" by Spiritual Science Research Foundation

"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap:
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers:
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:

Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper",-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9

Watch: "The Templar Revelation",-Clive-Prince---The-Templar-Revelation.-Secret-Guardians-of-the-Identity-of-Christ:f

!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!!

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