No Matter How Woke you Go, People Won't be Happy | Bob Barr's Laws of the Universe

3 years ago

Corporations will always bow to the loudest pop-culture demand. Unfortunately, in the category of “woke” decisions, no matter how much you do- the goal post continues to move. The more training you do, the more training you need. The more rides you rename, the more customers you lose… which means the more employees you can’t pay… the domino effect is real. Before you know it, you’re recanting your claims and reversing your decisions and then you’ve just wasted your time. Join us for today’s episode as Bob dives into these dilemmas and how they apply to the “wokest” of all… Disney.

Join Bob Barr in his series, Bob Barr's Laws of the Universe, where he explores statements of fact through observation during his tenure in Washington DC.

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