How to pronounce the letter C in Argentinian Spanish? (with IPA and examples)

3 years ago

We are going to learn the pronunciation for the letter 'C' in argentinian Spanish and we are going to use a little bit of IPA.

The letter C has 3 very different pronunciations:

The first one is the sound /k/ and it used when:
* the following letter is 'a', 'o', 'u', at the end of a syllable or word like in casa, saco, costa, coco, cucú, dictado, cognac
* the /k/ sound and it is used when it is followed by a H like in: coche, chico
* the /s/ sound and it is used when the following letter is 'e' or 'i', like in: cinturón, acero, ácido, cerrado

There is an spanish version of this video.

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