Melbourne Detective - Sendai, Japan - Rescue & Relief - March 2011

3 years ago

Melbourne Detective Many Moons Ago in Sendai - March 2011

In the thick of the moment we chose to leave Tokyo and head north on a Highway to Sendai. Other than Japanese Defense Forces we were the only civilian cars driving into the eye of the storm. Not only with aftershocks and potential radiation poisoning from the reactor at Fukishima, we pressed on until the day they were removing the lost souls from the waters around Sendai. It was a tough few days. A blessing on one hand, but equally a lifelong curse haunting me.

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."


#tsunami #gempabumi #gempa #bencana #earthquake #waves #bencanaalam #bmkg #disaster #nature #banjir #indonesia #gunungmeletus #akhirzaman #likuifaksi #longsor #tsunamipalu #terremoto #viral #love #bnpb #megatsunami #hurricane #covid #siagabencana #tsunamiaceh #tsunamiwarning #houseparty #earth #bhfyp #sendai #japan

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