Our Little Geekdom Episode 25 Top 5 GAMES #games #top5 #podcast

3 years ago

*Edited by EvilToast*

No guest today BUT you get to hear what our top 5 all time favourite games such as Mass Effect, Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption, Ace Combat & many more.

And there are alsoa few other intersting things like YES we will start attending events and festivals again!! It was a short episode but we hope that you will still enjoy it and tune in for the next one!!

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#top5games #top5 #gaming #events #EdinburghComicCon #GlasgowGamingMarket #games #fun #podcast #contentcreation #geeks #masseffect #witcher #reddead #bioshock #acecombat #x-series #finalfantasy #cyberpunk #buffychaosbleeds

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