20 Best Jokes About BOOBIES That Will Make You Laugh Your BOOBS Off!

2 years ago

#boobs #jokes #tits

1. What do train sets and boobs have in common?
They’re both meant for children, but grown-ups love them.

2. Why are the saggy boobs angry?
Because they never get any support.

3. What do you call the space between two enlarged breasts?
Silicon valley.

4. What did the bra say to the hat?
“Go on a head. I’ll give these two a lift.”

5. What do you call two identical pairs of breasts?

6. Where does a waitress wear a bikini?
In a breastaurant.

7. What does an 80-year-old woman have between her breasts that a 20-year-old doesn’t?
Her belly button.

8. Where do bras get lunch?
At a breastaurant.

9. Why do women have nipples?
To make suckers out of men.

10. What did the boob tell the other boob?
“You’re my breast friend.”

11. What’s a boob’s favorite snack?

12. Time is like cleavage.
The more you squeeze them together, the more you get.

13. What happened to the man who slipped on a bra?
He fell into a booby trap!

14. What do boobs and friends have in common?
Some are big, some are small, some are real, and some are fake.

15. The existence of boobs proves one thing:
Guys can focus on two things at once.

16. What’s the boob’s favorite swimming style?
The breaststroke.

17. Grandma found a lump under her left breast, but the doctor said it was OK.
It was just her kneecap.

18. What type of bees make milk?

19. What is the origin of the word “Boob”?
The “B” is the aerial view, the “oo” is the front view, and the “b” is the side view.

20. Why did the rooster hide the menu from his wife?
He was looking at the chicken breast.

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