09/30/21 Thu. Wash. Compost for Afghanis! Vaxx No Cure for Worry!

3 years ago

Refugee resettlement! Obama anti-illegal? Vaxx doesn't cure worry! Death penalty? Bill Kristol, leading conservative! Matt Walsh vs. school board.
0:00:00 Thu, Sep 30, 2021
0:01:26 Oh, Okay
0:07:23 Hey, guys!
0:12:13 Wash. COMPOST
0:34:18 Super Chats
0:41:29 Joe, Phoenix, AZ
0:58:38 Game, Okay
1:02:10 Music comments
1:06:29 Poll: Vaxx, worry
1:18:13 Super Chats: Joe
1:21:21 Justin, VA: Death Penalty?
1:30:10 Donning Armour, CA
1:39:10 Bill Kristol?
1:41:25 Matt Walsh!
1:46:39 Alexandra, Phoenix, AZ
1:56:13 Daniel, WI: Doctors
1:59:38 Cold Step, MK2

The Hake Report, Thursday, September 30, 2021: Wash. Compost's Meagan Flynn writes pro-Afghani evacuee "refugee resettlement" propaganda from smalltown Blackstone, Virginia. // Poll: Vaxxed older Americans vastly more worried about China Virus than unvaxxed, even after the shot. // Terry McAuliffe: "Tonight, I have the leading conservative in America here, Bill Kristol, who has endorsed my campaign for governor." // Daily Wire's Matt Walsh talking fast to school board: You are predators! // A FEW INTERESTING CALLS, THANK YOU! — Talking about the death penalty and Obama's immigration/invasion record. See below!

MUSIC: Okay – "Oh" and "Game" – from 2005 album Low Road, Part 1

Joe from Phoenix, AZ claims Obama was "anti-illegal immigration" — lol, snake!
Justin from Virginia is on the fence re: capital punishment. He regrets sex out-of-wedlock.
Donning Armour from California calls BHI anti- [the unprotected race]. He's vaxxed BTW.
Alexandra from Phoenix, AZ with her newborn thinks the death penalty may be playing god.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/9/30/093021-thu-wash-compost-for-afghanis-vaxx-no-cure-for-worry

Also check out Hake News from JLP's show. https://thehakereport.com/jlp-news

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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