Vaccine Myocarditis Damage Persists in Children | Dr. Chris Martenson

2 years ago

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Vaccine-induced myocarditis in kids has been described, over and over again in the media and by pediatricians, as “mild” or that kids “recover quickly.”

A new study shows that these hopeful-sounding statements are neither true nor scientifically accurate.

More than 2/3rds of all children who presented to the hospital with vaccine-induced cardiomyopathy were shown to have scarring of the heart pericardium, up to eight months later.
The sort of imaging used (Cardiac Magnetic Resonance using Late Gadolinium Enhancement as the contrast agent) that detected the cardiac injuries is highly correlated with both scarring and poor prognoses in other forms of cardiomyopathy.

Can we say these children will have poor outcomes? No. But, neither can we say they will be fine.
For whatever reason, the CDC and NIH are not at all in any hurry to investigate these vaccine injuries, and that leaves it up to parents and doctors to fumble their way through the vaccine decision as best they can.

At the very least, we can say that “informed consent” cannot include “informed” because the information is simply not there. Further, after the CDC just recently admitted to a “coding error” being responsible for overcounting childhood Covid deaths by nearly +25% - which numbers were used as justification for the necessity of childhood covid vaccination – we cannot even begin to form a proper risk/benefit assessment.

More study is urgently needed. Whether or not the CDC and pharma companies will perform these necessary studies is an open question, but it really shouldn’t be. Until they are, despite the risk of Covid to young males being overwhelmingly low, parents should only consider vaccinating their children, especially males, with the understanding that life-long harm may result in some cases.

P.S. – Be sure to check out our new LiveCast beginning tomorrow, Thursday, March 31, at 7 PM EST. You can tune in here:

JPEDS Myocarditis Study
Late Gadolinium Enhancement
Myocarditis is “mild” articles
NEJM 2 case studies of myocarditis
Martenson – Myocarditis risk is 133x backg


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