Myth of Late Stage Capitalism

2 years ago

The myth of late stage capitalism is something you commonly hear among countless many spreading the erroneous claims that somehow today's economy is capitalist. I've reiterated numerous times before that we do not live under a capitalist system, but a mixed economy. As I've addressed, late stage capitalism is merely just an attempt to pretend socialism isn't present, therefore to exonerate socialism of the blame for today's economic problems and to project the blame off onto capitalism.

The argument of late stage capitalism comes with the usual myths about capitalism, whether it is about the wealth gap between the rich and poor; the famous automation myth that apparently is destroying the demand for human workforce, or that the economy is plunging towards collapse complaining about climate change and soaring private sector costs and the serious debt crisis. What they don't tell you, however, not only was none of this to blame on capitalism, but it had everything to do with their socialist government interventionism in the economy.

Whilst I can sympathise there is a problem with today's economy, they concede by acknowledging the fact capitalism is about the market regulating itself. A big concession given the fact they claim they live under late stage capitalism. The truth is, they wish to project the blame off onto capitalism, thus, to further the agenda of socialism.

In this particular video I don't go into too much detail as I have already covered a lot of the stuff contradicting the narrative they spout, however, what this video illustrates is the anticapitalist mentality and the problem with their erroneous arguments.

*Profits and Losses Explained:*

*Free Market Monopolies Myth—Refuting Robert Reich:*

*2008 Financial Crisis Explained:*

• Introduction: (0:00)
• Feudalism vs Capitalism: (0:52)
• Late Capitalism Mentality: (1:44)
• Cronyism NOT Capitalism: (2:20)
• Wage Inequality Myth: (3:02)
• A Mockery: (4:08)
• Disingenuous Labelling: (4:47)
• Individualism vs Collectivism: (5:21)
• The Enemy Within: (7:09)
• Taken Out of Context: (8:16)
• Fallacious Employment Analogy: (9:55)
• Profits & Environmentalism: (11:58)
• Some Truth: (13:56)
• The Crisis: (15:05)
• Wolff's Hypocrisy: (16:20)
• Soaring Costs: (16:52)
• Concession and Lies: (17:39)
• Wage Slavery Ignorance: (18:39)
• Wolff's Contradiction: (21:31)
• Ignorance of Wealth: (21:55)
• The Gullible: (23:33)
• Great Reset Scam: (24:18)
• Automation Myth, AGAIN: (25:37)
• Green, the NEW Red: (26:54)
• Subconsciously Capitalist: (27:54)

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