HANG LOOSE RECLUSE PODCAST -Part 3- at the WA Governors House

2 years ago

Scott, Niko, Tony & Paul in a live podcast from the governors house/residence in Perth, Western Australia

It has now been more than 100 days and counting since THE UMBRELLA GROUP have been gathering outside the Governors House of Western Australia on a daily basis.

The Governor, Kim Beasley still has not personally addressed THE UMBRELLA GROUP since they started campaigning for fresh elections 100 days ago. THE UMBRELLA GROUP gathers at the governors residence daily between 8am and 10am.

The motto is, no flags (except Fridays), no loud signs, minimal noise, just people with umbrellas (for shade and rain protection) to show support for a writ of election while placing pressure on WA Governor, Kim Beasley.

In 100 days, it has only rained once but the umbrellas are used to provide shade from the sun. This has been a daily vigil and THE UMBRELLA GROUP wont stop until Changes are made in Western Australia regarding the government mandates or a writ of election occurs. Which ever comes first is anyones guess but THE UMBRELLA GROUP are committed to making a difference by standing up against harsh government mandates.

Show your support and join THE UMBRELLA GROUP if you can make it into Perth city any day between 8am and 10am at 13 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, Western Australia

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The Bellman Report

Scorpion Media Group

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