Bernie Sanders on Scandinavia and Healthcare

3 years ago

Bernie Sanders on Scandinavia and healthcare may sound reasonable to those who don't know much at all about Scandinavia and from face value, his arguments on healthcare may sound reasonable to those who don't understand the economics, however, one only needs to look into the economic history and economics of it to see why his arguments fall apart.

Like I've argued before, in Bernie Sanders view, he thinks it is as simple as blaming private ownership erroneously claiming that profit-seeking is what leads to soaring costs, but as I've pointed out numerous times before, government intervention created the problem.

Bernie Sanders on Scandinavia in of itself is deeply misinformed, Sweden alone had began moving much into the private sector and brought in private initiatives and even for their universal healthcare, as pointed out, they are free riding off the back of the United States for medical innovation, etc. Judging by socialists, if they were as wealthy as they claim they are, they'd be financing it themselves.

In this video I show the glaring faults in their arguments by showing they have the soaring costs of living, which is a price signal, as I have mentioned, that illustrates a shortage. Bernie Sanders goes into many other topics in his interview with Vox, especially on wages, which is another thing Bernie Sanders on Scandinavia fails to comprehend.

Here are some more healthcare videos you may be interested in:

• Why American Healthcare Costs So Much:

• Direct Primary Care:

• Scandinavian Healthcare Debate:

• Introduction: (0:00)
• Describing Scandinavia: (0:33)
• Wealth Redistribution: (3:06)
• A Miscomprehension: (4:54)
• Healthcare is NOT a Right: (5:27)
• Health Insurance: (6:59)
• Universal Healthcare Costs: (8:47)
• State Education is Indoctrination: (9:15)
• Free Isn't Free: (11:03)
• Education Isn't a Right: (11:33)
• Drug Access & Innovation: (12:03)
• Moral Claim: (14:28)
• Drug Regulation: (14:52)
• Conclusion on Big Pharma: (15:41)

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