GURPS Game Aid v0.11.8

3 years ago

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Release 0.11.8 - 10/07/2021

- Added system setting, unequipped items not displayed in melee or ranged attacks
- Added danialrab's browser support to remember the last import location (and system setting)
- Updated anim support for JB2A's Vasselheim release (0.2.6)
- Rewrote the Maneuver system to be Foundry ActiveEffects.
- Resolved several bugs with Maneuvers (randomly not clearing, UI warnings when changing Maneuver settings, keeping Maneuver as the first icon in the list).
- Store the last targeted roll for every actor in the GURPS object (`GURPS.lastTargetedRolls`). Use the actor's or token's ID to fetch a data object with the results of that roll. This might be used in a macro to get and use margin of success.
- Fixed the /li (light) chat command to correctly accept color intensity value
- Added [Cool Macros]( example wiki page.
- Implemented double knockback (dkb) damage modifier. E.g., `[3d+1 cr dkb]` works.
- Implemented no knockback (nkb) damage modifier (`[3d+1 cr nkb]` results in no knockback regardless of target's ST).
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese language file (thanks, Frerol!). Who wants to tackle Russian and German?
- Optionally allow a damage OTF to include a hit location. E.g., `[3d cr dkb @Vitals]`. Location must exactly match a hit location on the targeted actor.
- Fixed an issue with Western European style decimals (such as '6,25') in the Basic Speed field during imports. If the value contains a comma (',') character, it is parsed as if it is Western European; otherwise it is parsed as if it is US/UK ('6.25').
- More maneuver tweaks -- I think it really works correctly now.
- Implemented tight beam burning from B399. To use this, add the 'tbb' damage modifier with the 'burn' damage type (for example, `[6d burn tbb]`).
- Added portrait to NPC and NPC-CI actor sheets.
- Added Encumbrance, Move & Dodge and Lifting & Moving Things to Combat tab in the Tabbed Actor sheet.
- Report all rolled items as OtF formulas (so they can be re-rolled).

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