Refuting Gravel Institute on American Socialism

3 years ago

Refuting the Gravel Institute on American Socialism one could cover many things in detail, the socialist sympathisers who believe in absolutism would like to have you believe that socialism doesn't exist and that all of today's problems is the fault of capitalism. As I've pointed out, this simply is not true as things are down to a question of scale.

Socialists cannot, on one hand, preach to you that the _"unfettered"_ or _"unregulated"_ market caused such a crisis, but then, on the other hand, contradict themselves claiming that capitalism is to blame for things such as the control and manipulation over interest rates, prices, etc. Capitalism is either the market left to regulate itself or it isn't, it can't be both. Given the presence of socialism within the mixed economy and even to a varying degree in the economy to some extent during the industrial revolution, as I've pointed out, socialism does correlate to such things like the government subsidies, etc.

Whilst the Gravel Institute concede to some extent that there was a socialist upheaval in the late 19th century, they conveniently ignore the fact the battle between capitalism and socialism dates as far back as the foundation of the United States with the difference between the Jeffersonian's and Hamiltonian's.

The Gravel Institute on American Socialism seem to think that the Scandinavian countries are shining examples for socialism, much like that of Bernie Sanders, with the usual rhetoric about universal healthcare, free education, etc. However, like Bernie Sanders, they completely ignore the consequences it has on their economy. Socialists fail to understand the Broken Window Fallacy, that just because something appears free from face value, they ignore what has been taken away elsewhere to make way for paying for it.

As I noted before, Sweden is the perfect example for this with a real unemployment rate that is 3 times higher than the official unemployment figures, an unsustainable economy with a severe lack of productivity in their domestic economy, but somehow passed off as these successful countries. Sweden illustrates what happened as a result of socialism and if anything, the Scandinavian countries were rolling back on their socialist policies for good reason.

American Socialism is just farcical, socialism has caused enough damage as it has in the American economy and clearly that isn't enough for these people. They acknowledge the debt crisis and soaring inflation, but cannot see they are the reason this problem occurred.

• Where it all Began: (0:00)
• European Socialism: (2:01)
• American Rejectionism: (4:38)
• The Community Spirit: (6:47)
• American Labour Movement: (8:02)
• Rise of the Strikers: (9:09)
• Fleeing Socialism: (10:22)
• Taking a Stand: (11:10
• Subsidisation is Socialism: (12:18)
• Unintended Consequences of Socialism: (13:05)

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