AT&T connect control

2 years ago

On March 30, 2022 AT&T is flipping on it's 5G.
If you haven't upgraded your phone to 5G it may not work.
(I do share some quick tips to help you stay healthier while they
try to kill us off with these frequencies)

I show here a very troubling patent that AT&T has.
Routing policies for biological hosts:
Apr 19, 2015 AT&T
Methods, systems, and products provide interfaces between intrahost networks and interhost networks within biological hosts. Neuroregional translations are performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts. Bioregional translations may also be performed to route communications to and from the biological hosts.

Basically a trackable and manipulating intrusion of the "biological host" via networks...

If we add this patent to this research (below) this may give us some concern.

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19
and exposure to radiofrequency radiation
from wireless communications including 5G:
Beverly Rubik 1 2, Robert R Brown 3
J Clin Transl Res. 2021 Sep 29;7(5):666-681. eCollection 2021 Oct 26.

If we add the above info to the "vaxxines", which are actually
EXPERIMENTAL Gene toxins, which are found to have Graphene Oxide (among many other toxic ingredients) that have been pushed by our own governments
we are in big trouble.

Then add all the above to what the transhuman loving Klaus Schwab advising, disgusting excuse for a human named Yuval Noah Harari says. He is highly revered by Bill Gates (B ill Stage), Silicon valley and Standford types and Google. We are in BIG TROUBLE.

Yuval Noah Harai has been quoted as saying:
"Humans are hackable animals"
"You can pass on a Soul"
He believes in no Human Rights, no privacy.
Humans are no longer benefitting the economy.

He has stated "we are not destroying lifeforms we are
changing life forms.."
He believes he is God.
He has stated: "Science is not about Truth it's about power"
He talks about "God as a fictional story" (I can agree to this in some ways, but I do know there is a God of incredible energy- which we are all made from)
He has said "Silicon Valley is the Birthplace of a new religion"

I think this explains why the whole rollout of this Plandemic has occured. Because they want to track/trace and control everybody and everything. They want to kill the human as we know us and replace us with a transhuman/ai controlled entity.

Yuval has stated "We will see a big watershed moment when we put surveillance under the skin" THAT is what these Experimental Gene toxins are that they are pushing during this whole
bioweapon USA created the Bioweapon/plandemic.

Your nutritional choices can help you
Stay alkalized!!! our bodies need to be alkaline

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