Blindspot #33 - Yuri Gagarin ‘Cancelled’ & BlackRock say globalisation DEAD in Ukraine

2 years ago

Blindspot #033.1 - Yuri Gagarin ‘Cancelled,’ as BlackRock pronounces globalisation Dead On Arrival in a Ukrainean emergency room

[This is Part 1 of Blindspot #033]

By: Buiteboer

Blindspot #033 - has got on earth nothing to do with Level 33 Freemasonry - even though recording of BS33.1 commenced at exactly 20:33hrs, of the 30th day, of the 3rd Month, van die d'jaar van onse d'jirre... twenty twentie tWooo - (2022)! And, the recording is exactly 8 minutes, 33 seconds short.

A few quick references to show the extent to which frigmentation, as covered before on Blindspot, is still alive, very well, and kicking on- and far beyond, current world battlefronts.

Firstly, Rachel Marsden argues that President Biden’s recent remark, in Poland, referring to President Putin, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” risks changing the world forever. As with many ‘regime change’ operations in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, to name but a few, the US president is ostensibly firmly in support of such a move on the Russian Federation.

Secondly, a call has emerged to somehow ‘cancel’ the idea that Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space…

Thirdly, a call emerged, in the thick of war inside Ukraine, from the Ukraine embassy in Nepal, for Russians to be banned from climbing Mount Everest. Now of course a Russian occupation of the Himalayas poses a major direct and imminent life & death threat to every Ukrainean citizen and woke citizens around the world pressing for isolation of Russia via social media handles!

In fourth place, this Blindspot - Larry Fink, BlackRock President, declares globalisation dead on arrival in Ukraine. On 24 March, 2022, the Financial Times, runs with the headline: BlackRock chief Larry Fink says Ukraine war marks end of globalisation - Boss of $10tn asset manager warns about inflation as companies reconfigure supply chains.

BlackRock is one of the world’s most dominant conglomerates, that can surely be said to be a major engine of globalisation just by the sheer length, breadth, depth, and significance of its integration into just about every market, around just about every corner, of planet earth.

For Larry Fink to announce to investors, in his official annual 2022 investment letter, that globalisation is dead, as of the date of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, can be likened to the announcement that Nelson Mandela will be set free from prison. Or, that in some parallel universe, the Queen of England had abdicated, and will without any further ado return the Cullinan diamond, and all the gold taken from South Africa since Cecil John Rhodes rode his horse across Rhodesia, will be returned to South Africa.

Larry Fink’s announcement is akin to royalty going for broke, and abandoning imperial ships! It is like the moment in 1421 when imperial China decided to burn its fleet, and end its exploration of the planet (long before the Western Europeans woke up to a world beyond the next medieval plague-infested feudal town, or the Atlantic Ocean, for that matter).

Blindspot #033.1 will soon pick up on these issues...

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