Live Meditation for FREEDOM! ☀️10/10 Portal 💥

3 years ago

The main intention we will be holding is FREEDOM.

Freedom for ALL living beings.
Freedom from limiting beliefs, false illusions, painful situations, and tyrannical forces.
Freedom to be who we authentically are and stand unapologetically in our Divine Sovereign Beingness.

We are powerful creator beings!

To experience our highest levels of creativity, abundance, and love is true freedom.

There is immense power in synchronization and mass meditation. Through coming together and holding these high intentions at once we create massive energetic ripples of consciousness around the world. Now is the time more than ever to take advantage of such powerful tools as we anchor in extremely high frequencies of light for humanity and the Earth. It’s Freedom Time!

It is an honor to work with all of you, and thank you for participating in this most spectacular event!

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