My Review of the Reality Student Apologetics Conference by Stand to Reason

2 years ago

Here's my review of the Reality Student Apologetics Conference by Stand to Reason, which I attended this past weekend, March 25th and 26th, 2022, at Calvary Fellowship in Downingtown, PA. We heard from some great apologists and other ministers, like Tim Barnett (AKA Mr. B from #RedPenLogic), Alan Shlemon, John Noyes, Monique Duson (from the Center for Biblical Unity), Greg Koukl, Megan Almon, Becket Cook, J. Warner Wallace, Tripp Almon, Robby Lashua, and Amy Hall. And the topics covered not only God's existence, creation, the resurrection, and the problem of evil, but tough issues that kids are facing, like racism and Critical Race Theory, abortion, homosexuality, and suicide! I was impressed with how it felt like an exciting youth rally (complete with illusionist and MC, Drew Worsham) that taught Christian doctrine in a straightforward, unashamed manner. In this video, I give my rundown of highlights, and then offer some constructive critique.

#RealityStudentApologetics #StandtoReason #STR #apologetics #Christianity #CRT #CriticalRaceTheory #abortion #homosexuality #TheologyoftheBody #HonorShame

For more videos on some topics I mentioned:
Racism and Theology of the Body:
Abortion and Theology of the Body:
Gender and Sexuality and Theology of the Body:
Progressivism and LGBT and Theology of the Body:
My first interview with Theology Mom Krista Bontrager on different views in the church on homosexuality:
Part 1 of my response to Christian critics of ex-gay ministry:
Honor and Shame 101:
A Gospel Presentation through Honor-Shame:
The Gospel of Honor sermon:
LGBT and Honor-Shame:

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