10/14/21 Thu. Corrupt Black Politician?! Commies Smear Clint Eastwood!

3 years ago

Mark Ridley-Thomas indicted! Leaf blower confrontation! Clint Eastwood smeared! Black Hebrew Israelite! White pagan atheist!
0:00:00 Thu, Oct 14, 2021
0:02:24 Youth of Today
0:05:44 Hey, guys!
0:06:37 Mark Ridley-Thomas
0:16:56 Skip, Augusta, GA
0:27:53 Ian, Martinez, CA
0:36:39 What I eat
0:40:40 Luke, CO: Gardener
0:54:30 John, KY
1:11:08 Nothing, Furthermore
1:15:45 Clint Eastwood
1:26:18 Donning Armour
1:43:08 Super Chats!
1:46:08 Robert, KS
1:52:27 Lord Grim, DC
2:00:59 Thanks, all!
2:01:38 Cold Step, MK2

The Hake Report, Thursday, October 14, 2021: Are they all corrupt? L.A. politician Mark Ridley-Thomas indicted by feds for "corruption." (Sheriff Alex Villanueva wears pink.) // INTERESTING CALLS on Superman, school board meetings, the N-word, and Trump — see below. // Was the "male Karen" wrong for confronting and recording the gardeners over the leaf blower? // Hake shares what he eats and gets mocked for it! // Commie guy Rafael Shimunov has it out for Clint Eastwood, calling him "racist" for mocking light-skinned American Indian agitator-activist Sacheen Littlefeather way back in 1973! //

MUSIC: Furthermore – "Youth of Today" from 1999 album Fluorescent Jellyfish, and "Nothing" from 2003 album She and I

Skip from Augusta, GA says anti-Christian subversives smother kids with LGBT Superman.
Luke from Colorado criticizes the "male Karen" who confronted the Hispanic gardeners.
Ian from Martinez, CA wore JLP's "...Beta Male!" t-shirt to the school board meeting maskless.
John from Kentucky talks about "Kens" and "Karens" vs the N-word, and loving your enemy.
Donning Armour from California mocks Hake, smears Trump, and declares atheist paganism.
Robert from Kansas says the FBI and Merrick Garland are attacking white parents!
Lord Grim from Washington DC criticizes black thinking, and agrees about "little girls."

Also check out Hake News from today.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/10/14/101421-thu-corrupt-black-politician-commies-smear-clint-eastwood

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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