It's Time To Cut Off The Money Supply To The Woke Economy, Be Part Of The Solution

2 years ago

We all know how these big box stores were allowed to stay open during this whole time, while little guys...small business owners...regular people...were forced to close?

The wealthiest people in human history became wealthier, while mom &
pop suffered.

The question is ... what are we willing to do about it?

How can our voices be heard?


We vote with our dollars. THAT'S HOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

No more shopping at big box stores with products that are stuck on cargo ships.

Join with over 2 million monthly shoppers that have made the switch.


We need to start voting with our dollars and ensure that our purchases are supporting companies that promote freedom.

What if a whole bunch of us banded together and just walked away?

Instead, we've got to shop at family-owned, patriot-owned, made in
America stores.

We can finally stop shopping at the big box stores and take market share away from these businesses that do not share our values and transfer those dollars to family-owned companies for the future of our country.


● FREEDOM OF CHOICE: Invest in companies that uphold patriotic and conservative values that your family can respect, rather than supporting these mega-corporations with your purchases.

● MONOPOLY ISSUE: There are hundreds of consumer goods brands in our country, and the vast majority of these brands are owned and controlled by just a few mega-corporations. These corporations are so powerful that they wield an enormous amount of control over society, politics, and the economy, and we willingly hand them our money
each and every month of our life.

● WHAT CAN I DO?: It’s time to FIGHT BACK. Let’s invest in companies that uphold patriotic and conservative values that your family can respect, rather than supporting these mega-corporations with your purchases.


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