20220330 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine, and this is the Liberty Minute for Wednesday, 747 days into "15 days to flatten the curve."
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, says that she "fears for our democracy" if Republicans take control of the House this November. Really, Nancy? Constitutionally minded citizens have been worried about our democracy since you took the Speaker's gavel.
It is very common for the President's party to lose seats in the midterm elections because our nation is a republic. We, the people, see the crap a president does for the first two years and try to steer our government in a different direction because with very few exceptions, any time one party is in control, they go too far.
For example, the $5.8 trillion spending bill proposed by the Biden administration. That is approaching a 30% increase in spending while citizens are combating record inflation, and the nation is $30 trillion in debt.
For more political commentary, check out Liberty-Lighthouse.com.
Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

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