Beyond Personal Mandela Effects w/Anthony Santosusso: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #72

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we discuss personal Mandela Effects with the author, Anthony Santosusso. Mandela Effects is a pop-culture word for changes in our physical reality that are different or no longer exist from when we last interacted with it such as the contradictory memories of Nelson Mandela dying in prison or Nelson Mandela dying a couple years ago as the President of South Africa.

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To get a copy of Anthony’s book, Mind Beyond Matter: The Mandela Effect, just visit and look up the book title or Anthony Santosusso.

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work:

1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work?
2. Changes in commercial logos are a common one that many people can relate to. However, personal Mandela Effects in their life and changes in their history is what can give people a spiritual crisis. What are your most profound personal experiences?
3. Have you ever had a personal experience where someone you recalled died is now alive?
4. I do 6th sense consultations and Mandela Effects is a 6th sense in Buddhism for some people, which has been going on since the ancient Vedas of Hinduism more than 7,000 years ago. My clients often ask: Is it us or consciousness making the changes?
5. A lot of people get their ego so caught up with the outward world, but then if and when they experience a personal Mandela Effect, it may upset them. What are your recommendations for adapting to what new experiential reality you exist in at the moment?
6. What tips do you have for adapting to parallel family and friends in the new reality?
7. How are Mandela Effects helping people awaken to the holographic matrix we create within and ascend into higher or lower dimensions?
8. Are we traveling to parallel realities, new higher or lower dimensions, or is it one reality that we change the parts in like a play?
9. In your book, you discuss how people are multidimensional beings experiencing multiple timelines. Can you explain that further?
10. In Buddhism, we have artwork depicting Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that navigate the multiverse. Are people who experience reality shifts between parallel realities or dimensions coming into a new 6th sense as part of their introductory dominion over how their consciousness creates reality?
11. Do you have a last message or suggestions for building a 5th dimension society?

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