One Pilgrim's Musings - The Names of God - YAHWEH, Jehovah, YAH, "I AM"

3 years ago

Short study on some of the covenant names of God, and thus His characteristics. GOD is HOLY, ETERNAL, ALL POWERFUL, ALL SEEING; GOD is worthy of ALL Glory, Honor, and praise - shouldn't we want to know Him better, know Him more. Join me, as a humble Man of God as I share with you the things that make me a "Berean Christian"' that drive me to study, to know God more. It's a journey of a lifetime, a Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him (FAITH). You've heard of the movie "The Neverending Story," well THIS is the "Neverending Journey," the journey to "Know God." It's a journey that we will spend eternity enjoying, and yet be GOBSMACKED daily at how wonderful God is, how deep is His GRACE and MERCY, how wonderful His ways, and how little we truly know. Join me, won't you, and don't forget to "Like" and "Subscribe" so YouTube puts the video higher up in it's searches, so more folks will see it, and maybe enjoy it and be sparked to their own "Berean Journey." Shalom...enjoy, I Love You! ...One Pilgrim...

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