How The West Was Heard with Reginald Wrangler Full Show

2 years ago

Reginald Wrangler; Red, White, and Blue:

Rising country music star Reginald Wrangler has written well over 500 original songs and is well on his way to being the next biggest thing to rock the world of country music. Though he had several offers from record labels, Wrangler remains an independent artist waiting for the right label. With his unique sound, Wrangler stands out and brings to the table a whole type of country that is pure original. If you take a few minutes to listen to just a few tracks from Wrangler, you will become a fan. His songs are so heartfelt that you may think you missed out on a classic that everyone else already knows. However, this West Florida native only started singing country a few short years ago. With nothing more than some hard times and soul searching, Wrangler weaves a familiarity into his songs, more often found in the timeless hits of well-known artists.

It’s not surprising that genuine emotion rises through the lyrics and melodies of Wrangler’s songs. He is sharing his own stories, with experiences that range from great victories to some that have left deep battle scars. Many of the circumstances that changed his life led him to today. So he decided to do some serious “soul searching” after losing 15 years of his life behind the fence for chasing a street dream. Wrangler says that country music “found him” during this time. He found a unique love and connection and never let it go. There is no denying that Wrangler is genuinely speaking from a passion for his music. Wrangler is the type of guy you meet that you feel like you’ve known all your life, and his music feels like the songs you’ve been singing since you first discovered music. His lyrics are comfortable; his story is genuine; his spirit is humble, and his talent is undeniable.

Wrangler hails from Bradenton, Florida.


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