FL Open Carry News!

2 years ago

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As of March 22, 2022, twenty-four states have passed Constitutional Carry with Georgia soon to be the twenty-fifth state.

Meanwhile, Florida's legislature has refused to run Constitutional Carry (HB 103) for the third year in a row and that's not acceptable!

Earlier this month, when asked about Constitutional Carry, you publicly stated "put it on my desk, I'll sign it" and in December 2021 you said you'd sign it without hesitation.

As a Florida resident, I strongly urge you to use your gubernatorial authority to call a special session of the legislature to consider Constitutional Carry. You have already called special sessions to end vaccine mandates and protect Floridians' jobs, so please do the same for Constitutional Carry right away.

During the 2022 State of the State address, you said the following regarding lawmakers that don't respect the Second Amendment:

"I also recommend that the legislature strengthen protections of Floridians' Second Amendment rights. These important rights should not depend on the whims of politicians who reject the existence of those rights in the first place."

Please prove the sincerity of your recommendation to protect and advance Floridians' Second Amendment rights by calling a special session for Constitutional Carry immediately.

Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.

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