FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 31 = Chapter 10, Part A

2 years ago

Pages 323-356

Most of us have stumbled through life believing that our bureaucratic overlords, who we pay with our taxpayer money, are making some attempt to “keep us safe” since we have deemed these 3-letter agencies to be capable of doing that.

We are so stupid.

Did you know that none of the ‘mandated’ 69 childhood vaccines for America’s schoolchildren have EVER been tested against a placebo - the ONLY way to actually see if the vaccine is safe or effective? NOT ONE. Even with a Freedom of Information Act request, BOOK, Page 323, “…HHS admitted that we were, in fact, correct: none of the mandated childhood vaccines had been tested for safety in pre-licensing inert placebo tests”.

Well, I guess since the pharmaceutical companies have immunity from liability it would make sense that they don’t care if their vaccines are safe. :D

In the 1970’s, after the first wave of DTP vaccines in the U.S. in Europe, there was a wave of gruesome brain injuries and deaths that followed. BOOK, Page 325, “Six years later, a 1983 NIH-funded study found that Wyeth’s DTP vaccine was killing or causing sever brain injury, including seizures and death, in 1 in every 300 vaccinated children”.

Well, the manufacturer, Wyeth (which is now Pfizer) saw that this could badly affect their bottom line, so they lobbied our worthless representative in Congress to pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act - which shields vaccine makers from liability. Hey, if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you… well it actually doesn’t matter if it kills you - it’s all good for Pfizer!

In the U.S. the original whole cell version of DTP was abandoned because of safety issues, and replaced with a new “dead cell” vaccine DTaP, which was safer but even less effective. However, the original whole cell version DTP was cheaper to manufacture and therefore more profitable for Big Pharma, and so…. BOOK, Page 325 “…Gates and his surrogates, GAVI, WHO, and Global Fund made DTP the flagship for their African vaccine program and continued giving this neurotoxic and often lethal vaccine to some 156 million African children annually”.

How does this keep happening, you may ask. Well, Health Ministries across the world have to demonstrate “uptake goals” - in other words - they have to keep jabbing their citizens with shots - in order to “qualify” for MONEY form the WHO. If you don’t jabby jab, and jabby jab ALL THE f-ing time, then you don’t get money from the overlords.


More in the next installment!

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