Bruce Goodmansen - Author of 100% Success WITHOUT College

2 years ago

A MUST Watch for Parents and ANYONE Considering Investing in Education


Press Release

For decades the American people have been sold the lie that our children need a college education to succeed in life. Hard-hitting and accomplished author, Bruce Goodmansen exposes that lie with his latest book 100% Success Without College. He will shift your worldview about higher education as he accurately lays out a prosperous step-by-step strategy for all students.

America's higher educational system has become a debt factory pumping out the modern-day equivalent of bond servants. According to the Chamber of Commerce over 42 million Americans are saddled with student loan debt totaling 1.3 trillion dollars.

How much student debt is owed?
With 60% of all students having some form of debt by graduation–either through private loans issued by financial institutions or direct loans from the government–the sheer amount of debt is staggering.

There is more than $1.5 trillion of student debt owed in the United States.
This debt is owed by 44.5 million people across all demographics.
2 Million of those people owe more than $100,000 and 0.5 million of them have a loan for more than $200,000.
In 2017, $106.5 billion was borrowed. That is down, however, from the peak of $125.6 billion in 2010. Tuition costs have continued to rise; the decline is due to fewer people enrolling in college each year.

The multitude and severity of these debts have destructive ramifications for our nation, both socially and economically.

This however is not the most horrific component to America's education crisis. A deliberate plan to rob our children of their faith in God and love of country is evident in public schools and institutions across our nation. Many parents fight against this trend by using a homeschool model but then defeat themselves by sending their children to Marxist infiltrated colleges and universities masquerading as a place of education.

Bruce Goodmansen lays out how to stop this failing trend and gives you all the tools you need in his most unique, comprehensive and much needed book, 100% Success Without College.

Bruce Goodmansen's first book: The Official Snipe Hunting Field Guide, was a bestseller. He then authored For Parents Who Give a Damn. His new book is entitled: 100% Success Without College, which serves as an encyclopedia of career training opportunities that are available outside of the college arena, for college is of no value to 85% of our nation’s workforce.

Bruce is married to his sweetheart, Pam, and together they have five children and eight grandchildren.

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