MY STORY...Pablo Kelly, UK, presented at Children with Cancer Conference, London-Part Two

3 years ago
presents episode 265: Pablo Kelly
Dr Shawn Baker

I went in for a 7 hour operations...
-weirdest experience of my life
-wake up, pinned to a table by a brace
-Dr Seyfried said:
~go into the operations in ketosis
~don't take the full dose of steroids
~will only hurt in the long run
~want to stay in ketosis
~not have to fatten up
~want to be fasting at times

In the recovery room..
-I stood up on the first day
-thought: "I've got to get out of here fast"
-was offered usual food: porridge, toast, etc.
-I said, no
-requested boiled eggs from cafe
-partner, Becky, got butter to add in
-for lots of animal fat & protein
-all he ate for 7 days, then released

This entire time I have been using the keto diet to...
-control my epilepsy
-it has been shown to be effective for epilepsy in children
-for me, I still have grand mal seizures
-& daily focal seizures (affect one brain hemisphere)
-can't do exercises as wanted

From operation, has 10% of mass left...
-within 1 year, it was dissolved
-then had a year with no sign of recurrence
-started eating more foods, berries, too many calories
-gained 2 stone (28 pounds, 13 kg)

2018 went to Children With Cancer Conference, London...
-presented to give encouragement
-had a savage recurrence of seizure
-met Misha Sakharoff (metabolic health clinic, Denmark)
-he helps people with brain tumors to go carnivore

Misha Sakharoff:
-quit keto diet
-go zero carbs & moderate animal fat & protein
-intermittent fasting (time-restricted eating)
-in 4 months my tumor became stable
-for 3 years now, tumor scans are stable

I have maximized my longevity...
-cut out carbs
-eat organic meat

"Here I am today, just getting on with life"

Pablo’s presentation at London conference:

Original Meatrx/Revero podcast:

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