Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh and Satlova respond to “Dr Richard Day. New Order of Barbarians”

3 years ago

In this next video (July 25th 2021), before Azar takes over after half an hour, Satlova starts a speech about what is on her heart. The occasion is getting acquainted with the tapes of a paediatrician recorded in 1989 in US where he talks about a speech he attended 20 years earlier in 1969 by Dr. Day before a medical audience, mainly paediatricians. Dr Day, who’s part of the elite, talked in many ‘details’ about the direction the elite wanted and actually orchestrated and manipulated the global human society to move into. Shockingly, the society we live in nowadays is a society by design, it is not an organically evolved organization of people into a system based on human values. The elite agenda contains not only the classic motives of money and power, but also, as already revealed in 1969 by Dr. Day (although it stems from much earlier in fact), depopulation. Whatever you find in society nowadays – and will find – and what we got used to, it is there by design. Just name it: smartphones, digital identification, mass media manipulation and control, all kinds of taxes, the kind of movies you watch, much shit music they produce on purpose (if you think you like styles like hip-hop, house and rap, you’re successfully brainwashed, all this shit goes radically against your heart, your nature, your natural frequencies), ever increasing mandatory or propaganda of v@Cc!nat!ons, chem-trails, but also things of another character like promoting homosexuality, promoting abortion, deliberately separating man and woman, for instance by stimulating people, especially men, to work in another town than where they live, so that man and woman have less time to be with each other and connect, promoting women to go out and work, the attempt to make women disdain being ‘just’ a housewife and looking after children, promotion of child care facilities, subsidizing child care. Or think for instance about brainwashing people to believe that the enemy comes from outside, especially Russia, successfully distracting them etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera…
Not surprisingly, in this video Satlova and Azar Baksh relate it to what happens in the world today.

Subjects of the talk:
- society has been designed to become dehumanized and robotized
- natural anger
- the ways we are being poisoned and weakened
- people are brainwashed to oppose breastfeeding human babies by human mothers and to favour giving them cow milk and artificial formulas which weakens their immune system and a natural bond with the mother
- sexualisation of society
- parents must unite to protect the children
- EMFs, wireless dangers, smart meters
- call to create human responsible society
- living from the mind vs. the Heart
- manipulation to be peaceful if attacked
- va$$-inations
- balance between being and doing
- meditation
- governments to meditate before making (important) decisions
- Heart should always be the core of everything, of every decision
- the ‘elite’ are suckers, consciousness protects us from being sucked, Conscious Heart is the mirror to the suckers

At the end of the video children enter the room and Azar plays the guitar and sings “Purusha”.

For who’s interested in the recordings of Dr Lawrence Dunegan:
Or: https://ia800903.us.archive.org/28/items/New_Order_of_Barbarians_remaster_tapes_1to3/New%20Order%20of%20Barbarians%20%5Bremaster%5D%20tapes%201%20to%203.mp3
The full transcribed texts:

We can’t recommend enough to inform yourself about this, how society is designed by the elite, how we people have been fooled by the elite ever since we can’t remember.

More about Azar Baksh:

More about Satlova:

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