Why you should listen to PREPPERS

3 years ago

There is something very unique about preppers. We have been drug through the dirt and exiled by our society. Even within our community, there are people who are PREPPERS who hate the word prepper.

When you find yourself on the fringes of society with people finger-wagging at you all the time. Well, you find yourself surrendering any facade that you might be keeping up for society. There are many examples of people who speak the truth without concern and most of these people are those who exist out in the fringe, those who have been mocked by society.

Being a prepper might be the most freeing thing a person can do in this time. It is like having wings in a time when the world is willingly putting on its own shackles. Listen to us preppers. We have no strings or shackles because we have long known all of this was coming and we have long been accosted for it!

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