Hunter Biden's Laptop is NOT Russian Disinformation

2 years ago

How many times must the mainstream media be shown to have lied before the masses stop believing the fake news propaganda?

More examples:

Vietnam attacked us in the Gulf of Tonkin
There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
Coastal cities will be underwater by 2020
COVID-19 came from bat soup in a wet market
You won't get COVID if you take the vaccine
Asbestos, glyphosate, fluoride and tobacco are safe
Thalidomide is safe and effective
COVID vaccines are safe and effective
HCQ and Ivermectin will kill you
Cloth masks block airborne viruses
Comirnaty FDA approval means Pfizer BioNTech is approved
Fauci didn't fund gain-of-function experiments
There are no biolabs in Ukraine
Jussie Smollett was the subject of a hate crime
Bubba Wallace was the subject of a hate crime
Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist who murdered black people
Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation
Putin stole the 2016 election
The 2020 election was the most secure ever
There was no spying on the Trump campaign
General Flynn lied to the FBI
President Trump is a Russian agent
President Trump's tax returns will show massive fraud
President Trump said Nazis are Very Fine People
President Trump said African countries are shitholes
President Trump said soldiers are suckers and losers
President Trump told people to drink bleach
President Trump will start World War 3
President Trump cleared Lafayette Square for photo op
President Trump held a Bible upside down
President Trump told Raffensperger to find votes for him
President Trump incited an "insurrection"
Antifa/BLM riots are mostly peaceful
Ukraine Phone Call, The PeePee Tape, Russian Bounties
There were no FBI agents involved on Jan 6
Officer Sicknick was murdered with a fire extinguisher

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