Herald Tribune World Youth Forum - The British colonialism of Kenya (1959) [colourised]

3 years ago

The 1959 Herald Tribune World Youth Forum (The World We Want) debate about British colonialism in Kenya.
I've taken this low-resolution, black and white footage from 1959, used machine learning to colourise it, and re-scaled it to 4K. I normally apply LUT (.cube) files for colour correction, but for this one I've just used it raw.
The foreign exchange students of this debate were:

India : Nalini Nair
United Kingdom: John Goulden
Ethiopia : Bizuayehu Agonafir
Norway : Nils Roger Harboe
Presented by Mrs. Helen Hiett Waller.

https://deoldify.me - Image/Video Colouriser
https://blender.org - Too many uses to mention

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