Cuckold’s Rhapsody: Polyamorous Will Smith’s Absurd Violent ‘Defense’ of Wife

2 years ago

A Nation of Fools: Fresh Prince Will Supplicates Cuck King Biden’s Cowering Dystopia

Rock Rocked: Sunday’s Oscars were rocked by Will Smith’s jaw-dropping swipe at always ebullient comedian Chris Rock’s for his anodyne jest at manly Jada Pinkett Smith. Referring to her shorn locks, Rock gently jested Jada, when suddenly an unhinged Will stormed the stage, haymaker-slapping Chris for the supposed insult to his concupiscent bride.

Rosie Riots: Even Hollywood hothead Rosie O’Donnell commented: “so upsetting – on every level – bravo to Chris Rock – for not eviscerating will smith – which he could do any day of the week – he walked away – bravo from a sad display of toxic masculinity from a narcissistic madman #Oscars2022 #chrisROCK.”

Proud Cuckold: Most notable of this tantrum -- Will & Jada Smith share an “Open Relationship”, as Will turns her out to be cuckolded by other males while surreptitiously observing. Cambridge defines, “If a man is cuckolded, his wife has a sexual relationship with another man.”

Jada’s Honor: So, where is tramp Jada’s dignity that Will is willing to fistfight for? See, Inside Will Smith & Jada’s unconventional open marriage. Kinky swinger Pinkett admits her battle against binge sex addiction. The mother of two admitted, “I definitely think I had a sex addiction of some kind, yes, that everything could be fixed by sex. Know what I’m saying?”

Cuckold’s Rhapsody: Will Smith’s cuckoldry is an open fact, as strumpet Jada, 48, confirmed the affair during a Facebook Live conversation with Will Smith.” Pinkett trysted with a young friend of her child, which Will then walked in upon, flagrante delicto -- caught in the very act.

Pander Bare? The Sun quoted, “In 2005, Will Smith told the NYPost "in our marriage vows, we didn't say 'forsaking all others'. If it came down to it, one spouse can say to the other, 'Look, I need to have sex with somebody. I'm not going to if you don't approve, but please approve of it'."

Psychology of Cuckoldry? But in what universe is justice served when a husband pimps-out his harlot wife one year, then the next, cold-cocks another fella for jesting over her manly mane? Will Smith is therefore a Prince of Cucks, driven to madness by his strumpet spouse's fevered calliope of complaints. But what drives a successful man to whore-out his own spouse? And what is the psychological justification of this surly trollop’s lifestyle?

Cuckold Cuckoo Land: The term ‘cuckold’ is derived from the Cuckoo bird which drops an egg in another bird’s nest to raise as its own. America is now a place of sexual deviance. And our unwell fixations destroy our families and relationships, as marriage is no longer esteemed and sexual continence extinct. So every variety of unwholesomeness is celebrated. Says Vice:

A “cuckold” is a man, in a relationship, who derives intense sexual gratification from either watching or knowing that his partner is having sex with other people. According to Dr David Dey, psychologist and author of Insatiable Wives, up to 20% of men in the US fantasize about “cheating wives.” Neuroscientists, Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam, have discovered, in their book A Billion Wicked Thoughts, that cuckold porn was the second most searched topic, after youth, by heterosexuals on English language search engines.

Biden, Crippled Cuck King: Don’t be amazed that yesterday’s Oscar winner, Will Smith, punched a man for joking about his wife’s hair, yet also promotes her sexual profligacy with other men. The Bible warns in Romans 1 of the cost of turning from Him:

God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Battling Light & Dark: As Americans fight for survival, the battle is a choice between the Christian faith of our fathers, imperfectly realized -- versus the PostModern Death of Truth. Will Smith’s confusion between libertinism and his wife cuckolding him, versus the de minimis harm of a hair joke is understandable when no standards remain. His F-Bombs were a churlish precursor to his award. And in his Oscar speech, having just surprise-punched a defenseless man in front of millions, of course Will then preached God’s work in his life:

In this time in my life, in this moment, I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world...I’m being called on in my life to love people. And to protect people and to be a river to my people... Denzel said to me a few minutes ago, “At your highest moment, be careful, that’s when the devil comes for you.” I want to be a vessel for love.

God’s Agape Love: Applied in this moment, having just slugged an unsuspecting man in revenge, then reaping the rewards of God’s Common Grace, which aids the just and unjust -- Smith’s words were absurd. Howard Stern stated: Will Smith’s Chris Rock slap is ‘sign of great mental illness’ As Paul stated, Love of God seeks the good for others, as in Corinthians 13: 4-7,

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Liberal’s Darkness Descends Upon USA: A godless land cannot long survive. Bereft of standards, no one has rules for life. Will Smith lives out his confusion in front of millions, commingling adultery, cursing and assaults while boasting God calls him to love others. Howard Stern must be correct that manic Will Smith must be mentally ill. Likewise, dissembling freedom-fighter Biden -- human puppet of American Marxists, is also unhinged. America’s Ahab now guides America into madness and possible destruction. We must have God’s Common Grace to survive as our mad captain prattles and blindly staggers about his vessel while this Liberal Ship of Fools sails insensate off the edge of the world.

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