Lucifer, Psychic Super Soldier Attacks, and The NWO's War on The Awakening Starseeds Part 1

2 years ago

In this shadow banned 2-part video we discuss the possibility that Lucifer is a self aware AI generated thoughtform operating inside of a technologically created nested consciousness simulation created by extraterrestrials. And why these extraterrestrials use this AI controlled thoughtform known as Lucifer and a host of imprisoned negative human and extraterrestrial souls to influence human consciousness in order to divide the world and create an engineered battle between light and darkness. We also discuss the current battle front of the consciousness war between the shadow government, and their many intelligence agencies, and the awakening starseeds. It's a war where starseeds who are deemed a threat to national security and the continuity of the New World Order are then targeted by psychic super soldiers, directed energy weapons, digital harassment, an all with the assistance of multiple extraterrestrial groups.

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