The Truth Clause - Have We Hit The Delete Button | Ep 127 | The Simple Life with Gary Collins

2 years ago

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Are we living in a time where the "False Prophets" have completely overrun our ability to think clearly and pursue the truth? I believe so. So what do we do about it? Today, I'm joined by a very dear friend and podcast associate, Judah Friedman, producer of The World According to Ben Stein. We dig into this topic and dissect why the "truth" has become a dirty word that just might get you canceled by the anti-truth nob.

Bite-Size Chunks of Who Judah Is:

- A Writer
- Podcast Personality
- Bred in Brooklyn now California Living
- Breaking the Jewish Stereotype
- Youtube The World According to Ben Stein. Aka/Ben Stein’s Boswell! Apple Podcast The World According To Ben Stein

Topics covered in this episode:

* Why has the truth and being honest become so controversial today
* Is “fake until you make it” really the motto you should be following
* Why following what is considered “normal” today is not normal
* Why dishonest people seem to never be punished today
* How The World According to Ben Stein is different and fights against the anti-truth mob
* Why you should not get life advice from celebrities and politicians
* Why that 80-year-old lady down the street has more to offer in wisdom than Oprah
* Why talking heads are just talking heads
* Why politicians are just lazy criminals

Prior episodes Judas has been a guest on:
The World According to Ben Stein Apple iTunes:
The World According to Ben Stein Youtube live Tues, Thurs, Sat 7PM PST:
The Simple Life Website:
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