2 years ago

The Nudge Theory' is being used on a massive scale worldwide. Digital AI Nudging to get the desired results to re-engineer behavior of individuals and groups.

Our vision is a future where people and communities can thrive in a world shaped by a deep understanding of human behaviour. BIT - the Nudge Unit (governments across the world)

'Nudging' indirect suggestions as ways to influence the behavior and decision-making of groups or individuals. When push comes to shove.

The Australian state and federal governments in the study adopted a structured approach in establishing specific BI units, namely 'Nudge Units'

Theories, Interventions and Policy making to control citizens lives.
Water Algorithms, nudging farmers by using data in and data out.

'Nudging' techniques for promoting pro-environmental habits and investments in water and energy.

'Political, Environmental, Economical Nudging by the NZ Government under Ardern has overstepped the mark. Overextended control over citizens lives. She has 'Nudged' New Zealand Citizens much too far.

Get rid of the Traffic Light System.. Nudge, Nudge - when nudge comes to push shove right back, if its OK for the goose its OK for the gander.

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