Mario Maker 2 Podoboo Race Plus a Troll Level and Epic Boss Fight

2 years ago

Beating a very challenging Mario Maker 2 podoboo race level containing mainly fast standard gameplay and fast precision gameplay. It was a little frustrating at times to keep going, so at two points during the gameplay I play other challenging levels as palate cleansers.

The first other level is a double bowser boss fight where both bowsers are in clown copters. The only weapon I have to kill the bowsers are bombs. The first bowser is a small bowser with 20 HP and the second bowser is a large bowser with 40 HP. This level also features some precision at the start that requires several p-switch jumps over spikes and a pit. The coolest part of this level is a Megaman-style boss fight overlay in the epic finale.

The second level is a troll level that comes on strong but ends pretty tame.

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0:00 - Intro
0:37 - A red hot race - Attempt 1
2:54 - Bowser's Sky High Way (Bowser Boss Fights)
5:48 - Super Awesome Megaman-Style Boss Fight
8:09 - A red hot race - Take 2
9:18 - Squidwards Motel (Troll Level)
14:38 - A red hot race - Final

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