2 years ago

Deep State, NWO, Democrats, and Loony Liberal trying to take out Vladimir Putin like they took out Muammar Gaddafi, and Saddam Hussein. Iraq was destroyed, Saddam Hussein assassinated over a lie.
The United States perhaps wants to make Russian President Vladimir Putin into a ‘Saddam Hussein’ and is probably dreaming of effecting a regime change in Moscow. But the crucial difference between Vladimir Putin and Saddam Hussein is this: Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) as falsely claimed by then US Secretary of State Colin Powell at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), but Putin has WMDs.

To prove the point, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told CNN that Russia would use nuclear weapons if its existence is threatened. Of course, Russia would decide when it feels that its “existence is threatened” and when it would resort to the use of nuclear weapons.

The west, and in particular the US, needs a Boogyman.

Their entire policy structure and set of goals is completely and intrinsically intertwined with this. It doesn’t matter which party, administration, or set of stated ‘ideals.’ It’s what keeps the money flowing, and keeps the population under control.

Look at our list of boogeymen in just VERY recent history after the Soviets…the Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong-un, COVID…

Putin is simply the latest in a LONG line of Boogymen slated as the top ‘existential’ threat to ‘our way of life.’ Whether real, perceived, manufactured, or provoked…these figures provide a very simplistic ‘bad guy’ whom the public can focus on with a generalized, child-like black and white world view.

The left had been hard at work during Trump’s term setting the stage for this. One thing they knew is for it to really work, it needs to move the needle past party divisions, past a 40-50% recognition and far into the 80-90%. A focus that ‘unites’ public opinion.

Why does the status-quo and the NWO need this? Because these individuals provide the perfect reasoning to continue to spend absurd amounts of tax dollars on the defense establishment, to continue to prop up and fund questionable nations, to continue to funnel and launder absurd amounts of money through their various channels. They also provided perfect cover to further erode rights, freedoms, and privacy.

The greatest threat to their plans have always been their civilian populations. It’s imperative that these populations be kept distracted, stupid, and afraid. Should we actually realize our own power and our own strength, their entire structure of greed, corruption, and illusion collapses.

COVID didn’t achieve the long-term plan because we simply had too much time at home to think and communicate. Yes, it did succeed in certain gains for them that we’ll never get back, but the narrative was crumbling. That’s why it was beyond necessary to return to the old reliable playbook…the scary strongman.

Look at it now…the MSM, unsure of their roles have now absolutely snapped back to their comfort zones. Liberal media like CNN now has an open lane to cover up inflation, a failed energy policy, a broken supply chain, crumbling infrastructure, and all of OBiden’s failings under a ‘blame Russia’ blanket. So-called conservative voices at Fox get to ‘talk tough,’ criticize OBiden for not acting ‘strong’ enough, yet still carry the ‘blame Russia’ storyline.

Any burgeoning civil unrest and resistance immediately begins to fizzle out. Now it’s being viewed as absolutely traitorous and selfish to be so divided under this ‘great threat’ to humanity. We’re being prepped to not only come together, but to expect and welcome suffering together.

Look at our conversations with friends and family, interactions on social media, and the media coverage. EVERYONE is on board with ‘Russia bad.’ EVERYONE is on board with existential fear. NO ONE is really talking about our own domestic issues or problems any longer…other than now everyone has shifted to ‘it’s all Russia’s fault.’

Drudge’s front page was plastered with a huge picture of Putin as Hitler. Again…the public, in their ignorance to history, context, and with a HUGE blind spot to how WE created this mess…is operating in a black and white view of a very basic kind of geopolitics…and there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do is sit and watch as TPTB find yet another excuse to keep that money flowing the way they want it to…to keep their machine running…to continue to keep their boot on our necks.

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