How do I know if I’m Traumatized? [What exactly is trauma?]

2 years ago

HOW DO I KNOW IF I’M TRAUMATIZED? [WHAT EXACTLY IS TRAUMA?] // In this video I explain more insight into the question(s) “how to know if you have trauma, what are the signs you have unhealed trauma, what’s it like living with unhealed trauma” Maybe it was nothing big, but a small “t” trauma you’re living with. Which type of childhood traumas did you experience? Was it just CEN or Childhood Emotional Neglect and no “big T traumas” and all “little t traumas” who says those aren’t just as big! Feeling totally and completely “off” and there’s no real reason as to “why”? Looking for “signs that you might be suffering from ptsd or signs that you might be suffering from cptsd or so lost and completely unsure that you really just want to know “how do I know if im traumatized”? What are big and little t traumas? Am I even traumatized? OMG this is all too much? What is trauma, how do you define trauma because I think I’m fine. All of this blowing your mind? Hopefully this video was helpful in you understanding more. Don’t really know where you are or where to go but do understand you want to feel joy, happiness, peace, pleasure – anything but this heaviness and emptiness? Then let’s connect!

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