What does YOUR body need to shift?

2 years ago

Your body is a computer main frame - a hard drive with programs running automatically. In order for your programs to upgrade automatically, your body may require certain items (food, drink or vitamins). Giving your body what it needs is a power way to allow upgrading to happen.
By simply blessing your food and water, you are raising the vibration of the food entering your body. When the vibration is of a high frequency, your body can use it for the upgrades. Asking two simple questions before putting something into your body, can completely change your life.

1. Is this good for my body?
2. Is this good for my vibration?

If you get a YES for both questions, your body can use the food or drink. If you get a NO for one or both of the questions, your body doesn’t need it. Can you listen to your body?

Activating YOUR Dragon Light Body is taking the activations a step further and completely transforming your life on an energetic level. Check out the details for activating your Dragon Light Body: http://www.telfercoaching.com/TelferCoaching/Dragon_Resonance.html

Experience more LIGHTCODES, KEYCODES and ACTIVATIONS at: http://www.telfercoaching.com/TelferCoaching/Freebies.html

Explore the High Frequency courses available at quantumlightacademy.thinkific.com

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