[#Covfefe Break] Gavin Newsom's Halloween & California Exodus; with Gary of Nerdrotic & Kamran Pasha

3 years ago

Keri and Carter are joined by special guests Gary from Nerdrotic and Kamran Pasha. They being by discussing the California exodus and Gary's move to Texas, followed by CA governor Gavin Newsom's recent suspicious absence. This leads to a short chat about secession, and then the group debates the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse. Gary reveals some startling figures about death and drug relapses during the recent lockdown, and points to Australia as a harbinger of things to come in the United States. The group concludes that people won't be able to "sit this one out" and wait for things to get better, but will have to pick a side in the culture war. After Kamran and Gary have to jet, Keri ends the show with a brief tour of her "new old house."

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