Dr Malone's Outing The WEF's Infiltrators So The World Can Take Down The Build Back Better Cult

2 years ago

Klaus "Anal" Schwab's so arrogant that he's on tape bragging about how the World Economic Forum controls Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and how he's infiltrated more than 50% of his Parliament.

These Satanic POS are responsible for the Covid-Crime Against Humanity because they're intention is to bring about the totalitarian One World Government that Schwab insanely published in his book "Covid-19 The Great Reset".

They are a fanatical cult, whose members all speak with the Build Back Better Luciferian doublespeak. These infiltrators are enemies to all humanity, and once Dr. Malone exposes who they are, the world must act to purge these treasonous sociopathic War Criminals from the face of the earth.

They must be identified, tried, and sentenced to death, so they will forever stand as an example of what happens to megalomaniacs that try to subvert nations and take over the world. These monsters all deserve a Traitor's fate.

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