HYPOCRITE - God Wants Our True Heart - Daily Devotional - Little Big Things

3 years ago

We've all been there and felt like a hypocrite at times. Instead of believing lies about how horrible we are, let's lean into God's truth about how HE sees us!
To defeat Satan’s lies with God’s solutions ➡ https://ConfrontingTheLiar.org/

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Video Text:
Hypocrite. Do you know a hypocrite, someone who says one thing but does another? They act like a fraud or a phony and no one likes a hypocrite.

Now let’s think about the times that you and I’ve been hypocrites. How it felt so dishonest and how we tried not only to hide it from others, but even from ourselves.

Feeling like a hypocrite enslaves and imprisons us, and it’s time to be free. It’s time to uncover why Satan loves calling you, me and everyone a hypocrite. As we expose the darkness of Satan’s hypocritical strategies, we’re going to discover God’s powerful solution to this problem. It’s a solution that is oh so, so very sweet!

Understanding any problem is the first step toward a solution. So what exactly is the hypocrite problem? In a nutshell, we are all occasional hypocrites – no matter how good we are. Even the great Apostle Paul, the guy who wrote half of the new testament said, “I decide to do good, but I don't really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway… It happens so regularly that it's predictable… I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope.”

Like Paul, I have done things I don’t want to do, and there have been so many times when I don’t do what I want to do. Without a doubt, I know absolutely that I am a sinner who needs the grace of God.

But the problem gets worse when the enemy wants to pounce on me and tell me I’m a hypocrite, so instead of focusing on the ten good things I did in any given day, I focus on the one bad thing – and it makes me want to hide from others, from God and even myself.

Satan whispers and shouts, “You are nothing but a hypocrite.” What a jerk I was. How I gossiped, got impatient, judgmental, unthankful and/or worse. What a list. I’ll bet you have your list too! And yes, I hate when I do any of these things – because I’m a Christian who has given his life to Jesus, yet I fall into sin that makes me want to hide from my hypocritical self.

I’m guilty and a hypocrite and so are you. Some days I’m worse than others, such as the warm summer day when I drove with my car windows open while I prayed out loud....

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