Remote Viewing Ceres Supersoldiers & Mars Insectoid War

2 years ago

In early 2022, Tony Rodrigues published his book, Ceres Colony Cavalier, in which he described in detail his “20 and back” experiences as a slave, both on Mars as a military auxiliary fighting against indigenous insectoids and then serving with a German-led Dark Fleet. Rodrigues’ book came to the attention of Dr. Courtney Brown, who subsequently organized a remote viewing project to investigate two of the book’s core claims. The results greatly surprised Dr. Brown who concluded Rodrigues’ testimony was accurate and carried much significance for full disclosure.

This is the podcast version of an article published on on March 29, 2022.

Tony Rodrigues book is available on

Farsight Institute's "Super Soldiers of Ceres is available at:

An earlier Exopolitics Today interview with Tony Rodrigues is available here:

The five part Mt Shasta Interview with Tony Rodrigues is available here:

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